Friday, June 24, 2011

Day 60: Kansas to Denver

The last half of Kansas was pretty flat and felt like it took forever to get through. The different crops- wheat, corn, soy, etc. made for varied colors in the landscape so it wasn't completely boring.

Some golden wheat fields.

Over the border into Colorado I was greeted by a threatening cloud but it didn't produce any precipitation.

Once in town Katie and Jake took me out for fancy pizza at Proto's. Katie is posing with her pretty Tiramisu.
After dinner we walked over to the confluence, a park where the Cherry Creek and South Platt rivers meet. There were some people playing with fire poi across the way.

We wanted to meet up with Cory for a drive-in movie but we didn't finish dinner in time so it's a nice lazy evening with Katie and her cat who requires daily doses of drugs.

Tomorrow: Boulder, CO

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