Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Day 50: Chatham Crescent Neighborhood and driving to Raleigh

UPDATE: Now with photos!

The wifi at Best Western can't seem to handle uploading photos :(. So those'll have to be added later.

I decided a few days ago to break up my drive from Savannah to DC into two days and stop for a night in Raleigh, NC. This also allowed me a couple more hours in Savannah before I left. So I visited the 20th century neighborhood (My hotel was in the 18th and 19th century neighborhood) of Chatham Crescent which has long live oak lined avenues and mini-mansions. It was the neighborhood that more closely matched my mental picture of Savannah.

Washington Street.

These palms and most of the oaks were planted around 1910.

A smallerish but beautiful house.

Houses typical of the style in this neighborhood.

This is exactly what my mental picture of Savannah looked like before visiting. These places were smaller and more affordable/lived in looking than the mansions. Apparently the neighborhood wasn't finished being built by the time the depression hit so there are many totally normal places very near the grand mansions.

I wanted to wander for a couple more hours but it was just too hot, I was the sweatiest I've been in a long time. And it was about time for me to get going. I drove straight to Raleigh, a five hour stretch, and got a recommendation for dinner at a place called Rockford from a local Starbucks employee.

Tomorrow: A little sightseeing in Raleigh and then on to DC.

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