Monday, May 23, 2011

Day 28: Georgia O'Keeffe Museum and Canyon Road

Back when I was planning this trip I was excited to find out there is a Georgia O'Keeffe Museum in existence. So that is where I went today expecting to see room after room of her paintings. While there were a dozen or so of her paintings the bulk of the museum was the exhibit pictured above. It was about the relationship between painting and photography for 20th century American artists. It was really interesting, I just didn't realize I was there to see Chuck Close, Norman Rockwell, Andy Warhol, and many other artists who are not Georgia O'Keeffe.

I knew I would eventually find a perfectly picturesque doorway.

On the walk over to Canyon Road I passed the "Oldest Continually Occupied House in the USA" circa 1646. It was built on top of ruins from 1200 AD, which I think is where they get the oldest house claim from. It has tiny doorways but otherwise looks much like all of the other adobe buildings around it.
Canyon Road is a long stretch of probably at least 100 art galleries in a row. I chose which ones to go into at random and found there is something for everyone: contemporary, classic, native, folk, and just plain bizarre stuff. I liked this guy's front door.

I had my fancy dinner at Amaya inside the Hotel Santa Fe (much swankier than my hotel). I intended to get something more authentic but the prix fixe steak was only $23 for 3 courses. And the mashed potatoes have bacon in them. Who could resist that?!

Tomorrow: Roswell on the way to Carlsbad, NM.

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