Friday, May 13, 2011

Day 18: San Diego Zoo

I spent 6.5 hours at the Zoo today and still did not see it all. That place is massive. One of the first photos I got was probably my favorite so far- a baby orangutang dive bombing his dad:

It was just dumb luck that I got it while he was still mid-air. All of the 'tangs were very active and entertaining.

The pandas were actually visible, a first for me. Every other time I've had a chance to see them they were hiding in their dens.

R.O.U.S.s!! aka capybaras.

This was also the first time I've seen an active Koala.

Apparently someone dropped their phone into the meerkat exhibit so this keeper retrieved it for them, then the meerkats decided they wanted to be petted.

It was pretty amazing to me just how many different species the zoo has. They even have Kiwis, which they keep in a darkly lit house during the day to simulate nighttime because they are nocturnal (so zoo patrons might have a chance to see them while they are active). Unfortunately I couldn't find any of them in the exhibit. I also couldn't spot any of the Bonobos. That was dissapointing. But overall it is definitely worth the $40.00 admission. I just wish they had longer business hours, I still haven't seen the whole place after two visits.

After the zoo I met up with Eveline and some of her classmates for drinks, then on to a Japanese place for some ramen for dinner. It was very yummy!

Tomorrow: Brunch, then on to Las Vegas!

1 comment:

  1. i love your pictures! Don't forget to get one of Eveline! M
