Monday, May 9, 2011

Day 14: Venice and Santa Monica

Started the day off with a car wash for my poor salty car, it looks much better now. Then I drove to Venice.

I parked at the south end of Venice Beach and started my visit on the fishing pier. It had a nice view of the area (that's Venice and Santa Monica in the background). As I made my way down the pier a lifeguard truck whizzed by me and rescued someone in the water. I really didn't get much info but the guy was brought safely ashore.

Venice itself was quite a strange mix of body builders, seemingly homeless people, pot dealing doctors, food vendors, and glass shops. It's also funny how suddenly that mix disappears and turns into wall to wall ocean-view condos and vacation homes.

I stopped for a while and watched the guys at the skate park. They were not bad, but no especially fancy skills were on display. I felt a little like an anthropologist studying a foreign culture, trying to figure out their customs and etiquette.

On the walk back to the car I finally had some shoe free quality time with the ocean. The water a lot warmer than I was expecting.

Then I went up to Santa Monica Pier which is the terminus of Route 66. It was very windy and, dare I say, cold so I did not stay very long. If it had been warmer I might have ridden the Ferris Wheel.

We went out for dinner with one of Phillipe's co-workers, Stacy, to a vegan restaurant called Native Foods Cafe. It was really good, I had sweet potato taquitos and a tasty salad. We were supposed to have Korean BBQ tonight but when we arrived the restaurant was gone and replaced by a fancier and more expensive place (in the span of two weeks, apparently). So that was disappointing. But I liked where we ended up just fine. Oh and just because I washed my car today it was raining on our walk home from dinner. That was unexpected!

Tomorrow: change of plans, I'll be in LA a day longer than I thought! So tomorrow I'll check out Griffith Park and Beverly Hills.

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