Friday, April 27, 2012

Florence, Italy Day 2

Day two was more of me abandoning the tour group and wandering around on my own. The tour guide lent me an English language guide book so I started a suggested walking tour at the Ponte Vecchio.
It is one of the oldest bridges in Europe and is lined with jewelry shops.

It's the closest bridge in this photo.

Next I headed up a little alley and enjoyed the surroundings as well as the lack of tourists.

I got a little off track and stopped using the guidebook but enjoyed what I saw.

I did not end up visiting this church but was able to see it as well as the Boboli Gardens from above (no time to actually go there).

I'd been told we would be visiting the viewpoint pictured above right before we left town but I decided to hike all the way up and enjoy the intermediate views as well. I'm glad I did because our visit on the way out of town amounted to 5 minutes to snap a couple photos and then high tail it out of there.

The plant life and dripping water under one of the walkways for some reason reminded me of the water and light show at Enchanted Forest. I'm really not sure why.

I was very hungry after all the hiking around so I found a moderately expensive pizza joint across the street from what looked to be the flagship Salvatore Ferragamo store. Buffalo Mozzarella and porcini mushrooms, yum!

The sun finally decided to come out after lunch and the street performers appeared.

Shortly after lunch I rejoined the tour group and we went to the Santa Croce cathedral.

The apse was completely covered in scaffolding and several museums not open to the public so admission was free!

The church housed several famous figures tombs including Dante's, Galileo's, and Michelangelo's pictured above.

After the church and some quick gelato we were bussed up to the viewpoint where I took a few more photos. The olives trees behind my head are actually the classiest looking RV park I have ever seen.

The city hall and Duomo.

On the bus ride back it was clear enough to get some romantic views of the Tuscan countryside. Makes me want to find a hostel near a vineyard and just soak it in.

Next: Vienna

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