Thursday, April 28, 2011

Day 3: Northern California Coast

Didn't sleep very well last night so I got a late start, but luckily I didn't need to cover many miles today. My first stop was the Crescent City Overlook Park. There was a nice little hike down to the beach where I found this:

There were tons of plants I wasn't super familiar with either so that was cool. Blogger only seems to let me add 5 photos so this is a super abbreviated set- I took scads of pictures today. Maybe I'll get around to putting the rest on Facebook.

Next was the forest planet of Endor, uh... I mean Big Tree Wayside at Prairie Creek Redwoods State Park. It looked very well traveled and a bit like a 'greatest hits' of the redwoods but I have the Avenue of the Giants to explore tomorrow. Also, It had just finally stopped raining so I didn't want to press my luck with a long hike and no waterproof shoes.

On to the Carter House (which is now a private and inaccesable club) in Eureka. There were several of these (albeit less over the top) restored 1880s-ish victorian mansions in town. As I was wandering I stumbled upon the Lost Coast Brewery (which in my head was on the east coast):

If you can get your hands on their Tangerine Wheat Beer then buy it and some for me as well. I didn't get to try the Raspberry Brown Ale, they were sold out :(. After the uncomfortable bed last night I splurged tonight and got a pretty swanky room at the Blue Lake Casino just outside Arcata for $79. Now I just need to avoid giving them a whole lot more of my money at the casino...

Tomorrow: Avenue of the Giants, Fort Bragg, Mendocino, Boonville (hopefully I'll find Anderson Valley Brewing), and Ukiah!


  1. OH MY GOODNESS! Did you try the Great White at Lost Coast??? Very yummy!

  2. Casino on Day 3? Good grief, pace yourself. There's a million Injun casinos in the back country.

    On the other hand, if you won a couple a grand, eh....?

    No, no, nevermind. Stay away, stay away!!!!

  3. the lost planet of Endor?
    I wish!
    the coast - look for clams. (oh I forgot - you don't like them).

    did yo win anything?
